The Joe Pags Show

The Joe Pags Show

The Joe Pags Show originates from 1200 WOAI in San Antonio and can be heard on affiliate stations around the country and on the iHeartRadio app. Call...Full Bio


Pags talks with Ted Cruz LIVE, plus - Debbie D'Souza on socialism

Are you having to get creative when it comes to disciplining your children?

A 14 year old steals his parent's car, so to punish him they took away all of his things. What have you done to discipline your kids or to get them to follow the rules?

Plus, Pags talks with Sen Ted Cruz. We break down big sports disrespecting the country and their fans, AntiFa and BLM having to pay for the destruction in their wake, Tech Tyrants shutting down free speech and more.

AND! Pags has an incredibly eye-opening conversation Debbie D'Souza about the push for Socialism here as she reflects on what's happening in Venezuela.

You do not want to miss this!

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