The Joe Pags Show

The Joe Pags Show

The Joe Pags Show originates from 1200 WOAI in San Antonio and can be heard on affiliate stations around the country and on the iHeartRadio app. Call...Full Bio


GOP Introduces Resolution Condemning Pelosi For Ripping Up Speech


Following the conclusion of Tuesday night's State of the Union address, Nancy Pelosi tore up a paper copy of the speech, setting off anger from lawmakers on the other side of the political aisle.

Republican Rep. Kay Granger of Texas introduced a resolution on Wednesday, just hours after the Senate impeachment vote, to condemn the Speaker of the House for her actions, calling them "a breach of decorum" that brought "discredit on the House."

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy jumped on board with his GOP colleague, saying that the document should not have been destroyed.

While House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer tried to get the resolution set aside, because it is considered privileged, the chamber must consider the measure between now and Friday.

Photo: Getty Images

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