According to a new PEW Research study, America is becoming less Christian. And that is a problem for all of us.
"America is a Christian nation, in the sense that our system of government, our society is based on Christian morality" said John Daniel Davidson, senior editor at The Federalist.
And losing that morality in our society should be a major concern for everyone, of every religious belief.
"We're going to lose the basis for things like free speech, consent of the governed, and rule of law even" Davidson told KTRH, "And that's going to be a problem for everybody."
The reality is, we have been created or hard-wired for worship, and if it's not the God of the universe, sadly it will be something else. Something that has gone since creation.
"The future of America is not going to be this atheistic, secular materialist, liberal utopia that we've been promised" noted Davidson, "It's going to be religious, it's just not going to be Christian and that's going to be a problem for everybody."
Some would argue the decline in Christianity in the U.S. which is now down to 62%, is already a major problem.
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