GOP Could Pick Up House Seats In 2026 Thanks To A 5th Circuit Court Ruling

Democratic Blue Donkey and Republican Red Elephant

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After a major win for Galveston County in their redistricting case, Republicans might be able to pick up several more House seats in the 2026 midterm elections. That's because Republicans no longer have to manufacture majority-minority, Democrat-leaning districts.

RNC Committeeman and Galveston County Commissioner Dr. Robin Armstrong said that there are five of those districts here in the state of Texas, but now the State Legislature can redraw those lines, potentially giving the GOP an opportunity to win those seats in the next election.

Normally, House districts are only redrawn by their state legislatures every 10 years following a census, but Armstrong says this time, the legislature doesn't have to wait. He said, "They have the legal grounds to stand on for sure. The appellate court has already ruled on this, and you have the legal authority to redraw these seats now."

He says all we need is a legislature that's willing to do it.

But that's not all. Because this ruling came from the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, it affects more states than just Texas. Armstrong said, "It affects Mississippi and Louisiana. I don't know how many coalition seats they have, but they can redraw any coalition seats that they have. I think that they should."

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