Jim Hanna is founder and CEO at Retire with Jim Hanna Wealth Advisors. He has been working in the financial services industry since 1981. During his career of more than 30 years, Jim has seen it all: wars, taxes and national debt. Though his past clients had their worries, they also had a pension and Social Security. They believed that either the company they worked for or the government would take care of them. Today’s reality tells us something different. What most retirees and pre-retirees are hearing today is that when it comes to retirement, they are on their own. Retiring with Jim Hanna means you don’t have to go it alone. We are rooted in the community and have developed our business by creating close, personal relationships with our clients.<br><br>Jim Hanna served in the United States Air Force as a C-130 Crew Chief during the Vietnam era, 1963 through 1967, and comes from a family of military service members. Jim has a passion for helping his fellow veterans and has devoted countless hours assisting and escorting our WWII vets to Washington DC to visit the memorials built in their honor.
Retire With Jim Hanna website: http://retirewithjimhanna.com