1 U.S. Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers Near Alaska
Was it provocation or an “error?” No one’s saying, but NORAD is releasing images of fighter jets intercepting two Russian bombers yesterday. The Russian planes were off the coast of Alaska, but never entered American or Canadian airspace. Why that matters? Both aircraft came within Alaskan and Canadian Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) – those extends 200-miles off the coast. That exists as both nations require aircraft to identity themselves in the interest of national security. A similar incident happened on August 1st but the planes were not intercepted. This is believed to be the fifth such encounter this year.
2 NOAA Increases Odds of Hurricanes to Above-Average for Season
NOAA is increasing the number of hurricanes and tropical storms it expects this storm season in the Atlantic Ocean. Their new forecast shows there will be 10-to-17 named storms, five-to-nine hurricanes, and up to four major hurricanes this season. These numbers include the two named storms that have already occurred, Andrea and Barry. The increase is based on rising numbers from the end of El Nino conditions in the Pacific.
3 More Than 300 Migrants Reportedly Released After Mississippi Raids
More than 350 migrants are free for now after massive raids in Mississippi this week. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE snagged nearly one-thousand undocumented migrants Wednesday. Just because they’re “out” doesn’t mean they’re free – as some are expected to face proceedings in federal immigration courts. Targeted companies included Petco foods and poultry producer Koch Foods. The U.S. District Attorney's office for the southern district of Mississippi says the raids were planned a month ago and search warrants were executed at seven locations in six cities, setting a record for the number of ICE raids in a single state. Meanwhile, immigrant rights advocates in Mississippi are speaking out against the ICE raids. Mississippi Immigrants' Rights Alliance Legal Director Patricia Ice says these raids have long-lasting effects and it is devastating for the community.