1 President Trump Weighs In on Migrant Caravan At Border
While watchers argue about the appropriateness of using tear gas at the border, authorities are identifying one illegal immigrant who allegedly threw rocks at border agents in attempt to avoid arrest. But more on that in a minute – as President Trump is squaring up on his detractors. First at the White House, Trump said it was necessary – and noted that former President Obama had a separation policy, but "no one likes to talk about that." Later speaking at a roundtable in Mississippi, Trump remarked that the tear gas that was used was "very safe.” When asked about how he felt when he saw women and children suffering the effects of the gas, he doubted whether they were really parents or just grabbed a child to strengthen their claim for asylum. As for the migrant accused of assaulting border agents, that’s 31-year-old Alan Suazo-Gomez of Honduras. Upon processing, authorities found that Gomez had several previous arrests out of Florida and had also been deported in June of this year. Gomez told border agents that he was part of the migrant caravans seeking to gain entry to the U.S. on asylum claims.
2 Team Mueller: Manafort Lied, The Plea Deal Is Off
The thing about making deals with prosecutors – they’re based on you telling the truth. If you don’t? That means your deal is off…that that’s precisely the pickle former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort is apparently finding himself in. Special Counsel Robert Mueller [[MULL-er]] says that after he signed his plea agreement, Manafort lied about a variety of subjects. That means Manafort broke his plea deal…and will now likely face a hefty prison term. Officials say Manafort met with investigators several times to discuss issues related to the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election – and because he lied, prosecutors are asking that the judge in the case to move forward with sentencing him.
3 NASA Lands Spacecraft On Mars
Ladies and gentlemen…months after we had liftoff, we now have touchdown as the NASA InSight spacecraft has successfully landed on Mars. And judging by the cheering in the control room…it couldn’t have been a more perfect landing NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory says the Mars mission streaked into the planet's atmosphere at 12-thousand miles per hour, and slowed by retro rockets and a giant parachute helped its 77-mile descent to the ground. The Insight lander will monitor seismic activity drill 16-feet underground, to give scientists a better understanding of how Mars evolved. "We successfully landed on Mars for the eighth time in human history," says NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. " This accomplishment represents the ingenuity of America and our international partners, and it serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our team. The best of NASA is yet to come, and it is coming soon."