Bexar County Judge Sakai: Steps Underway To Correct New Court Software

Empty American Style Courtroom. Supreme Court of Law and Justice Trial Stand. Courthouse Before Civil Case Hearing Starts. Grand Wooden Interior with Judge's Bench, Defendant's and Plaintiff's Tables.

Photo: gorodenkoff / iStock / Getty Images

Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai says nonstop efforts are underway to clear up problems with the county's new criminal justice management system. Ever since the rollout for Odyssey Case Manager on May 30th, the system has plagued users with incorrect verdicts, the reappearance of expunged records, and delayed releases from the county jail. Products from the software creator Tyler Technologies have also reportedly caused problems in Lubbock and Dallas Counties, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Sakai says if Tyler hasn't met its contractual duties, he'll ask them to return some taxpayer money.

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