1 Texas City Among The Best For Ice Skating

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'Tis the season for ice skating once again!

Lawn Starter compiled a list of the best cities for ice skating. The website states, "We looked for cities with plenty of access to ice rinks, skating lessons, and hockey equipment. We also considered climate conditions and local popularity based on hockey teams, figure skating competitions, and Google searches."

According to the list, one Texas city is among the 50 best cities for ice skating. Houston landed at number 42 on the list. The city was second overall for lessons access and 15th overall for popularity.

Here are the top 20 cities for ice skating, according to Lawn Starter:

  1. St. Paul, MN
  2. New York, NY
  3. Boston, Ma
  4. Pittsburgh, PA
  5. Minneapolis, MN
  6. Anchorage, AK
  7. Chicago, IL
  8. Grand Rapids, MI
  9. Denver, CO
  10. Madison, WI
  11. Columbus, OH
  12. Milwaukee, WI
  13. Colorado Springs, CO
  14. Buffalo, NY
  15. Fort Collins, CO
  16. Omaha, NE
  17. Detroit, MI
  18. Providence, RI
  19. Philadelphia, PA
  20. Las Vegas, NV

Check out the full list of the best cities for ice skating on Lawn Starter's website.

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