Clark H.S. Students Donate Warm Socks to START Center Cancer Patients

A group of students from San Antonio Clark High School paid a Christmas visit to cancer patients at San Antonio's START Center, bearing gifts of warm socks that they have been making and collecting all year, News Radio 1200 WOAI news reports.

The heartwarming visit is the brainchild of Clark senior Catherine Pisano, who started the 'Sock it to Cancer' campaign after one of her childhood friends died of cancer.

"I wanted to reach other people in our community and make an impact on other people," she said.  "I thought that people ar struggling with cancer, and sometimes they don't have family to support them, so I thought it would be nice for Clark students to be there and help them and support them in their fight."

Frequently patients undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer cures suffer from cold feet.The group of students has now donated close to 1,000 pairs of warm socks to local cancer patients through the 'Sock it to Cancer' program, which has been included as one of the 'enrichment' activities at the school.

Catherine says the socks come with inspirational messages to the patients, most of whom the students have never met."Never give up, never let go," one of the messages reads.  "Keep fighting because you are worth it and we will fight with you because yo are loved."

PHOTO: Jenny Halpin

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