Business Groups Back RK Group in Refugee Spat

The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce has issued a full-throated rejection of criticism of the RK Group, a prominent catering and food service company, which has a contract to provide food to refugee children housed in the Rio Grande Valley, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

Council members Shirley Gonzales and Manny Pelaez have criticized the contract, implying that providing food to immigrant children amounts to supporting the Trump Administration's controversial immigration policies.

"Many people will see RK's participation in that program as enabling one of the most immoral things any of us  have ever witnessed  the federal government do to a vulnerable population," Pelaez was quoted as saying about the RK Group's contract.

Gonzales was said to be "pressuring" the RK Group to give up the profits it received through the contract.

The RK Group is one of most prominent and successful businesses in the city, and founder Rosemary Kowalski is a member of the Texas Business Hall of Fame.

"The long history of success and goodwill demonstrated by the company and the Kowalski must not be lost to a clear misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the current situation," said Richard Perez, President of the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and a former member of City Council.

Perez pointed out that The RK Group's Emergency Management Support field kitchens are recognized nationwide as among the best to provide support to people in crisis, and have been called on to provide support in numerous crises.

"They did not create, enable, or contribute to the reason the tent city in Tornillo exists," Perez said.

"We thank the RK Group and Rosemary Kowalski for all you do to serve our community and beyond."

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