Killer, Rapist Bible Executed in Huntsville


The world is a much better place this morning, because Danny Bible is no longer in it.

News Radio 1200 WOAI reports that Bible, who was condemned for the rape and pick-axe murder of a woman in Houston way back in 1979, was executed last night in Huntsville.

Bible has also been linked to at least three other murders, and prosecutors in Harris County say he has confessed to some 300 rapes in a crime spree that lasted for at least twenty years.

The man who caused untold misery to many victims and their families died whining about his own misery, muttering 'it hurts' when the lethal needle was inserted into his veins.

Bible, who suffers from Parkinson's Disease, had requested to either die by firing squad or in a gas chamber, saying he was afraid his disease would make it difficult to find a vein to insert the needle, but in the end, his execution went off without a hitch.

In fact, as part of its argument to the Supreme Court, Texas cited its long and successful history of executing more than 500 killers over the last 36 years.

Texas has now executed more people in 2018 than were put to death in all of 2017, and has executed far more people than any other state.

Nobody who was watching the execution shed any tears for Bible

."Danny Paul Bible is as vile and evil a person as has ever drawn breath," a relative of one of his victims told the Houston Chronicle.  "We are glad to have witnessed him draw his last breath.  I know that he will burn in hell for all eternity."


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