City Mulling Creation of College City Council

There is talk at City Hall of creating a second City Council.


1200 WOAI news reports the City is batting around the idea of creating a City Council selected from among the nearly 100,000 students at the eleven colleges and universities in the city.

It's being dubbed 'Council Junior.'

Rey Saldana, who is a member of the big people's City Council, says getting advice from a council of college students, the vast majority of whom are over the age of 18, and who bring the experiences of coming from essentially every place in the United States and several countries, would help the City of San Antonio grow.

"We want them to choose San Antonio, ultimately, when they finish up their studies," Saldana said.  "A lot of them have ideas about what city they would like to end up with, after they finish up."

He says Council Junior could advise the city on not only issues directly involving them, like housing, transportation, and services near college campuses, but about how the larger city can do a better job attracting and keeping Millennials and iGeners, who will be the people building the economy of the future.

"All of them are within this age range where they are exploring new ideas, new concepts, and we think we should be better partners to the higher education institutions around us," Saldana said.

'Council Junior' would have no actual legislative power or authority, it would simply advise City leaders in a wide variety of issues.  Members of 'Council Junior,' one from each college, would be chosen by a vote of the students, similar to current elections for Student Body President and other college offices.

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