My New Year's Wish for You (and me)

My New Year's wish for you—and for me—is that we awaken from the trance into which we can so often be drawn. It's a trance that can convince us our lives are difficult, when they don't have to be; that our lives are ordinary when they're extraordinary; that our lives are mundane when they're actually miraculous.

Just the fact that you're here, on this planet, right now, taking your next breath—the odds against this ever occurring were astronomical.

So, you are beginning with a miracle.

There is a line from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas that says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the Earth, but men and women do not see it." This line is attributed to Jesus.

It has been my experience that you can see the Kingdom of Heaven.

You can experience Heaven on Earth.

It's what you came here to do. It's your birthright.

When you tune out the noise, the illusion, the Maya, and center yourself, go within, and get in touch with who you really are, you can experience Heaven on Earth.

And you should.

And this is my wish for you, and for me, this New Year.

So much so that at one point, you will have to ask yourself, "Is this Heaven?"

And that still, small voice inside of you replies, "Yes. It's Heaven."

Happy New Year.

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