Soldiers In Place To Handle Border Surge

Military-style humvees are parked along the border wall in Brownsville, Texas.

Photo: Getty Images

Hundreds of active duty Army soldiers are being moved to the Texas border in advance of this week's end of Title 42. There is expected to be a rush of illegal immigration when the public health rule, which has been used to expedite deportations, goes away on Thursday. But Senator Ted Cruz says those troops will not stop the flow of illegal immigration.

"Sending troops to the border can have an enormous positive effect. There's no doubt boots on the ground matter," said Cruz.

The Texas republican says that will only happen when the policy of catch-and-release is terminated. Asylum-seekers are caught, processed and then released onto the streets where social service agencies help them get to the nation's interior. Cruz says this remains a magnet that draws people to our borders.

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