Governor Orders Texas National Guard To Assist DPS In Making Border Arrests

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants the Texas National Guard to help with arrests at the Texas-Mexican border. He sent a letter to Texas National Guard Major General Tracy R. Norris today saying DPS needs all the help it can get capturing suspects. Abbott believes it's important to protect the rule of law and help civil authorities guard or transport prisoners. He issued a disaster declaration in May saying a surge in illegal border crossings were causing property damage and posed a threat to Texas.

During the Governor's Border Security Summit in Del Rio in mid-June, the Governor announced that individuals who commit criminal trespass or other state offenses will be subject to arrest and confinement. This order builds upon the Governor's disaster declaration that directs DPS to enforce all federal and state criminal laws including for criminal trespassing, smuggling, and human trafficking.

"To respond to this disaster and secure the rule of law at our Southern border, more manpower is needed—in addition to the troopers from DPS and soldiers from the Texas National Guard I have already deployed there—and DPS needs help in arresting those who are violating state law," reads the letter. "By virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, I hereby order that the Texas National Guard assist DPS in enforcing Texas law by arresting lawbreakers at the border."

Read the Governor's letter to General Norris.

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