DANNY TREJO doesn't just PLAY a badass hero in the "Machete" movies . . .he lives that life. Danny was driving in L.A., when he saw a car accident.One of the vehicles was overturned, and there was a young boy inside, strapped into his car seat, hanging upside down. Danny sprang into action . . . he got out of his car and crawled INSIDE the overturned vehicle, but he couldn't undo the kid's buckle.Another bystander, a young woman, entered from the other side, and WAS able to undo it. Together, the two brought the kid to safety.The boy's grandmother was also trapped inside the car . . . but they needed to wait for the firefighters to help get her out.As far as we know, she's okay too. The boy has special needs . . . so Danny tried his best to distract him.He said, quote, "He was panicked.I said 'Okay, we have to use our superpowers.'So, he screamed 'superpowers' and we started yelling 'superpowers.'I said 'Do this, with the muscles.'He said 'muscles.'"The whole time, he kept the boy faced away from the accident.