It's Official--Texas Legislature is Gaveled into Session

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told the opening session of the 2019 session that 'history will be made' in the next 140 days, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

State Sen. Jane Nelson gaveled the opening session of the Texas Senate to order, as Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick was in Washington for meetings with President Trump, becoming the first woman ever to gavel the Texas Legislature into session.

"We must address the challenges of shootings in schools to make schools a safer place for our kids," Abbott said.  "We must address and face up to the challenge of mental health."

Abbott said Hurricane Harvery recovery must also be on the agenda."We have other challenges that will change the arc of the history of Texas," Abbott said.  "We are going to step up and address it.  We are going to solve school finance reform and property tax reform this session."

"A decade or two from now, someone other than yourself may be seated at your desk.  When they reach the desk you are in now, they will recognize the magnitude of the history that was made here by you," Abbott told the Senators.

PHOTO: Flanked by Texas Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Gov. Abbott addresses the Texas Senate during its opening session.

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