Poll Shows Three Charter Amendment Proposals Failing Badly

A poll conducted by the local firm shows the three Charter Amendments trailing badly as early voting completes its first week, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

The poll was taken before early voting began on Monday and was released today.

The polls show all three of the propositions trailing by a two to one margin, with a large number listed as undecided.

The measure that would make it easier for citizens to circulate petitions to call public votes on decisions of City Council grabs 29% compared with 49% opposition, and that is the most popular of the three.

The one that would limit the pay and tenure of future city managers gets only 24% support, and the measure to mandate arbitration on the firefighters contract has only 27% support.  All three propositions have about one quarter of the electorate still undecided.

The survey shows that the Go Vote No PAC which is opposing the propositions has had success in marshaling business groups and community and neighborhood associations against the measure, and by raising questions about the motives of Chris Steele, the fire union president who circulated the petitions to get the items on the ballot.

"The opposition to these amendments has done a better job of getting their message to the voters, Opinion Strategies President Dionisio Salazar said.  "Their message is generating support across party lines and voter groups."

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