NEISD Approves First School Specifically for Pre-K Learning

The North East ISD Board of Education last night voted to transform West Avenue Elementary School, which is in a low-growth area inside Loop 410, into a free standing early childhood education center, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

The North East ISD Pre-Kindergarten Academy will open in the fall of 2019, which will offer an 'enhanced academic curriculum to include after school care.'

The NEISD has been discussing this move for some time, and held a community meeting in the area of the school last week to obtain input.

The district says there is an increase in demand for full day pre-kindergarten, and research shows that early intervention with children has a significant impact on their future success in academics.

West Avenue Elementary will continue to operate as a traditional K-5 elementary school for the remainder of this school year.  Students who are currently enrolled in West Avenue will be moved to Dellview or Olmos Elementaries for the 2019-202 school year.

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