Study: Texas is One of the Worst States For Women's Equality

A study by the web site WalletHub shows Texas is one of the worst states in the country for women's equality, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

"Workplace environment, education, health, and political empowerment," were four of the ten categories WalletHub used to come up with the rankings, according to WalletHub researcher Jill Gonzalez.

Texas has some pretty dismal rankings, from 47th for women's political representation, 42nd in the gap between men and women in educational attainment, 41st in the gape in unemployment between men and women, and 28th in the lack of women in executive positions.

Gonzalez says the worst category is the lack of women in political office, because that is where change happens.

"Texas has the fourth largest political gender representation gap in the country," she said.  "So that, of course, is not going to bode well for all of the other things that policy is dictated by."

Overall, Texas ranks 48th, or third from the bottom, in the fifty states when it comes to gender equality.  The only states that rank worse are Idaho and Utah, which is dead last.

One bright spot.  Gonzalez says Texas ranks 22nd, or in the top half, when it comes to women entrepreneurs, and that means change can come, even though it will have to start from the grass roots.

"We see it start to happen in companies, then work its way up to the county level, and work its way up to the state level," she said.

The best states in the country for women's equality, according to the study, are New York and Minnesota.


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