It's Back! $3 a Gallon Gas Returns to Texas

As we approach Memorial Day, $3 a gallon gas has come roaring back to Texas, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

AAA Texas has released their weekly snapshot of gas prices across the state, and Midland, Odessa, and El Paso all are reporting average prices above $3 today.

"However, higher gas prices are not keeping holiday travelers home this weekend, with automobile travel expected to increase for the fourth straight year, by nearly 5 percent over last Memorial Day," AAA's Daniel Armbruster said. "The 88 percent of travelers choosing to drive will pay the most expensive Memorial Day gas prices since 2014. Gas prices are up primarily due to expensive crude oil, record gasoline demand and shrinking global supply."

The average price today in San Antonio is $2.68 a gallon, that is up 8 cents from last week, and 53 cents more than we were paying at Memorial Day of 2017.

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