Gas Prices Again Rising in San Antonio

After a brief stall, the price of gas in San Antonio has resumed its steady climb, according to new statistics released by AAA of Texas, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

The average gas price in San Antonio today: $2.53.

"Up two cents from a week ago in San Antonio, up 36 cents from a year ago," Daniel Armbruster of AAA Texas told News Radio 1200 WOAI.  "San Antonio drivers are definitely feeling the pain at the pump."

Gas prices are now at their highest level we have seen in San Antonio since Labor Day of 2015.

The higher gas prices are following the higher price of crude oil, which is the main driver of gas prices.

Gas prices have risen due to a concerted effort by Russia and the OPEC nations to cut production, as well as higher demand driven by the strong U.S. economy, and the removal of Venezuelan crude from the global energy supply due to economic mismanagement in that country, which has the largest proven supplies of oil in the world.

There has been speculation that President Trump's decision earlier this week to impose new sanctions on Iran could cause gas prices to go even higher.  Some of the sanctions will restrict Iran's ability to sell its crude oil, making already tight global supplies even tighter.

"Crude prices did increase, but we will have to wait and see if that is going to have an impact on summer gas prices," Armbruster said.  "It certainly could."

San Antonio's gas prices, if its any consolation, are the lowest in the state, due largely to the metro's location near the Eagle Ford shale, and the refineries along the coastal bend.El Paso gas prices today, for example, are at $2.96.

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