GOP Leaders Blast S.A. Council for Rejecting Convention Bid

'Weak kneed Ron' is in for some social media pasting after San Antonio City Council on Thursday decided not to pursue a bid to host the 2020 Republcian National Convention, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

The biggest criticism comes from Brad Parscale, the San Antonio tech executive who is President Trump's 2020 campaign manager

.After Mayor Nirenberg announced late Thursday afternoon that the city will not be making a bid for the convention, Parscale unloaded on Twitter.

"Weak kneed Ron, a City Council of left-wing activists destroying the economy of San Antonio," Parscale tweeted.  "Ron Nirenberg and City Council just made the business community their enemy.  Have fun with that."

But sources tell 1200 WOAI news that basic politics didn't enter into the 2 1/2 hour secret discussion of the issue.

Many people who were in the meeting said the discussion focused more on the estimated $70 million cost, some of which would have to be borne by the taxpayers, to attract the convention.

There were also concerns about the lack of real benefit to the citizens, who would have to put up with massive traffic tie ups and would be barred from getting anywhere near the  Convention Center and the Alamodome.  This is unlike the Final Four, where special events were set up for the community.

There was also a concern about the additional costs in security, including police overtime needed to handle the inevitable protests that will emerge from opponents of President Trump, who is expected to be nominated by the convention.

There was less discussion on the issues raised by Democratic Party opponents of the convention, like Commissioner Tommy Calvert, who claimed that being the site of the convention that renominates President Trump could be damaging to San Antonio's relations with Mexico, after comments Trump has made about Mexican immigrants.

But some Council members did express concern about San Antonio becoming 'Chicago 1968,' where anti Vietnam War protests shut down the city, and gave Chicago a reputation that took decades to erease.

Sources said San Antonio also will not bid to host the Democratic National Convention.

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