Local Teachers Give 'F' to Carrying Guns in the Classroom

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, a group of San Antonio teachers met this week to discuss safety, and the one thing they agree on is that they don’t want teachers packing heat, News Radio 1200 WOAI news reports.

"Where would they keep a gun? Are we going to provide gun safes? Is a kindergarten or first grade teacher supposed to leave their kids alone in the classroom while they go out into the hall to confront the shooter?" 

Shelley Potter, head of the San Antonio Alliance of Teachers tells News Radio 1200 WOAI.

The issue of arming teachers has become a flashpoint in the debate over school security.  

In a meeting with senators this week, President Donald Trump doubled down on his desire to arm more educators.

"Some people are going to disagree with that, but 98 percent of all mass shootings in the United States since 1950 have taken place in gun free zones," he told the senators.  "You have got to have defense, too. You can’t just be sitting ducks, and that's exactly what we've allowed people in these schools and buildings to be."

More guns in schools, as opposed to fewer, is something that cops have routinely opposed.  Potter says she's discussed the ramifications of arming teachers with San Antonio Police's leadership.

"They've said to me, the worse possible scenario for them is to walk into an active shooter situation and have to worry about the person they see down the hall with the gun," she explains.

Instead of more guns in schools, she says the top thing teachers wanted at a meeting this week is more social workers and councilors in schools, and smaller class sizes, which can help them build relationships with students.

As for metal detectors at the schoolhouse door, she says that sends the wrong message."We don’t want our schools to have a prison-like atmosphere. They're supposed to be warm and welcoming."

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