1 GOP Candidate Arrested For Shootings At Democrat Leaders' Homes
A defeated New Mexico state House candidate is accused of orchestrating shootings at local Democratic elected officials' homes. Republican Solomon Peña was arrested Monday after being accused of paying four men $500 to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state lawmakers. Authorities say the shootings date back to last month and there's evidence that Peña even pulled the trigger during one of them. In one case, bullets reportedly ripped through the wall of a 10-year-old girl's bedroom as she lay there sleeping. The 39-year-old claimed his November race was rigged after he lost to a Democrat who received nearly 73% of the vote. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller called Peña an election denier, saying that type of radicalism "is a threat to our nation."
2 Georg Santos' Former Roommate Says He Had "Delusions Of Grandeur"
A former roommate of controversial New York Representative George Santos says in an interview with CNN that Santos had “delusions of grandeur” when they were living together. Gregory Morey-Parker shared an apartment with Santos for a few months in 2013 and says Santos would often claim things that “didn’t seem feasible”. In one claim, Morey-Parker tells Don Lemon that the GOP Congressman would “would go to bars with rolls of hundred-dollar bills and, three days later, he would have no money.” The former roommate also described how confused he was by Santos’ claims of generational wealth when his mother was reportedly a housekeeper in Manhattan. As for pleas from both parties to have the Representative resign, that doesn’t seem likely to happen right now. Santos has been given a seat on both the Small Business committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Neither of these committees is seen as a sought-after seat and they’re not the seats Santos wanted. According to a person briefed on Santos’ assignments, he was hoping for House Financial Services or Foreign Affairs Committees.
3 Indiana Father Arrested After Footage Leaks Of Young Child Carrying A Gun
An Indiana man is under arrest after a young child, who is reportedly his son, was caught on security video walking around with a gun outside their apartment. Authorities responded Saturday to a 911 call made by a neighbor in the apartment building where the child, dressed only in his underwear, was walking around with a gun in the hallway. When questioned by police, 45-year-old Shane Osborne, allegedly said he didn’t own a gun. But when officers looked at home surveillance video, the child was allegedly seen alone with the weapon. Authorities seized a semiautomatic Smith & 9mm pistol and Osbourne was taken into custody. He faces a charge of felony neglect of a child dependent.