3 Things To Know Today

1 Biden Talks Covid Response, Re-election

“Nothing’s been good enough.” That’s what President Biden said when asked if his efforts with regard to at-home Covid tests. In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with ABC’s David Muir, Biden admitted frustration with where the country stands two-years into a pandemic, but also bristled at the notion that we should be farther along. “Look where we are… last Christmas, we were in a situation where we had significantly fewer .. people vaccinated, emergency rooms were filled,” he offered. “We’re in a situation now where we have 200-million people fully vaccinated. And more than that who have had one shot, at least one shot. And they’re getting these booster shots as well." With the news that many chains are limiting over-the-counter COVID tests just before Christmas. Walmart is only allowing eight testing kits at a time , CVS has a limit of six and Walgreens is setting its maximum at four kits. With that kind of demand, the President (who days ago offered “free tests for everyone”), admits he would have foreseen the crush of Omicron. He noted. “I wish I had thought about ordering 500 million at-home tests two months ago.” Looking ahead to the future, however, Biden answered another question he’s been pressed on: will he run for re-election? "Yes," the president told Muir. "But look, I'm a great respecter of fate. Fate has intervened in my life many many times. If I'm in the health I'm in now – from a good health. And, in fact, I would run again." And if he’s running against his predecessor, all the better. “Why would I not run against Donald Trump for the nominee,” Biden mused. “\That’ll increase the prospect of running.”

2 Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Biden Vax Mandates

The Supreme Court says they will listen to arguments over the cases challenging President Biden's vaccine mandates on January 7th. The mandates are facing multiple challenges across the country. The mandates have been placed on large employers who have more than 100 employees, along with certain health care workers. And worse for Biden? Lower courts have split over both rules. Given that, and the accelerated timeline for the cases, the Supreme Court also deferred ruling on whether to block the new rules until after hearing the challenges. White House press secretary Jen Psaki says the administration is "confident in the legal authority" of the requirements and in a statement overnight added that the Department of Justice will "vigorously defend" it.

3 Iowa Reportedly Breaking All-Time Tornado Record For A Single Day

The severe weather that blasted Iowa last week is now setting a record. The National Weather Service now says 42 tornadoes struck the state on December 15th, the most twisters Iowa has ever seen in a single day. Meteorologists say that number is tentative, as it may go higher as they continue studying data. The tornadoes that day were part of a high-wind storm system called a derecho that started in Kansas and moved through Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The previous record for the area was 35 tornadoes and that was recorded on August 31st, 2014.

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