1 Heavy Rain, Flooding Threaten 40-Million
Heavy rain and a strong chance of serious flooding is threatening 40-million Americans throughout the central and southern Plains this week, but down south in Texas and Louisiana? They’re already getting slammed with as much as 18-inches of rain. Meanwhile, forecasters say heavy rain will keep falling across the region that includes eastern Colorado, Kansas, and Missouri with no let-up from the drenching rains of the past few days. And it isn't just rain. Tornadoes were reported over the weekend in Texas and Colorado, and winds gusting as high as 76 miles-an-hour blew through Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. That threat continues.
2 Biden Confirms Plans To Share Vaccines With Other Countries
President Biden is confirming plans to share millions of coronavirus vaccine doses with other nations. He spoke at the White House and talked about global solutions to serious problems. As many as 20-million doses of U.S.-approved vaccines are expected to be exported by next month – and that’s in addition to the 60-million AstraZeneca already pledged. As for what's going out, the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are approved for use in the U.S., while AstraZeneca is not. Biden argued democracies will lead the world out of the pandemic and said the U.S. will lead those democracies. He stressed that the U.S. will not use vaccines to secure favors from other nations. "Our vaccination program has led the world, and today we are taking an additional step to help the world," Biden offered. "No ocean is wide enough, no wall is high enough to keep us safe. Rampant disease and death in other countries can destabilize them — those countries — and pose a risk to us as well.”
3 Child Tax Credit Payments Start Going Out In Mid-July
Starting in July, roughly 39-million American families will start receiving monthly child tax credit payments. The payments are covered by the massive COVID stimulus bill that was passed in March. The bill raised the maximum payments families can receive per child this year, from two-thousand to 36-hundred dollars. The White House hopes the payments will help significantly reduce child poverty. President Biden released a statement and called it "vital tax relief to hard working families." President Biden is cheering the pending distribution. Speaking at the White House, Biden said it will give ordinary families a break. The payments will be sent automatically – taxpayers won’t need to take any action.