1 Supreme Court To Take Up Second Amendment Issue
The Supreme Court will hear a Second Amendment case on protections for carrying a gun outside of the home. The court has avoided the issue since the landmark ruling in 2008 that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to keep a handgun at home for self-defense. But now? The court has agreed to hear a challenge to a New York state law that allows residents to carry a concealed handgun only if they can demonstrate a special need beyond self-protection. At the moment, New York bans carrying a handgun openly and individuals seeking a license to carry a concealed weapon must provide proof of a special need.
2 60M AstraZeneca Doses Going To Other Countries As Biden Prep Mask Reveal
The United States will provide 60-million AstraZeneca vaccine doses to other countries. Despite the release to other countries, the AstraZeneca vaccine hasn't been authorized for use in the U.S. available right now, so there’s a stockpile on hand. Meanwhile, President Biden is expected to announce new CDC guidance on wearing masks outdoors as early as today. Sources says that while final recommendations are still being put together, guidance will be with regard to those fully vaccinated people as opposed to those who are not. The President is expected to deliver remarks on the COVID-19 response from the White House – and among them Biden is expected to say that fully vaccinated people can unmask outdoors. An official speaking anonymously The official said the new recommendations will also “provide guidelines for activities fully vaccinated people can resume.”
3 White House Previews Biden's Address To Congress
The White House is previewing President Biden's speech for tomorrow night’s joint address to Congress. Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Biden is "deeply involved" in the development of his speech. She said he will lay out details of the American Families Plan and also mention a range of priorities in the coming months. Psaki said those include working with Congress on police reform and expanding access to affordable healthcare. The President will address a joint session of Congress at 8pm. As you might imagine the audience for the President’s address is expected to look a lot different than in year’s past. Roughly 200 guests will attend President Biden's joint address, an 87-percent decrease due to the pandemic. Numbers have not been finalized, but typically 16-hundred people are packed into the House chamber at the U.S. Capitol. For example, the Supreme Court says only Chief Justice John Roberts will attend (as opposed to how all justices usually attend).