3 Things To Know Today

1 East Coast Slammed By Winter Storm

The pictures may look pretty in some areas, but for about 100-million people, what’s been described as the biggest snowstorm in years (since 2016, specifically) is no joke. Millions will no doubt be spending part of the day digging out from under a blanket of snow as Winter Storm Orlena came charging through. Even worse? It’s not over. Snow is still falling from New Jersey up to Maine. Some areas of the Garden State recorded over two feet, while other areas said they’d gotten closer to three-feet. In area of New Jersey, there’s also coastal flooding to contend with. And once everyone digs out, guess what? Another storm is expected to impact the region this coming weekend.

2 Biden Sits Down With GOP Senators To Talk Covid Relief

A group of Republican Senators sat down to talk Covid relief with President Biden. Specifically, they have a pared down proposal – their $600-billion, compared to the Democrats’ $2-trillion package. How’d it go? The White House says the meeting was "substantive and productive." And apparently, the group, which was led by Maine's Susan Collins, feels equally positive. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Biden noted areas where he believes the GOP plan falls short. And while Biden and Democrats say they hope Republicans can sign on to make a bipartisan deal, Biden has vowed not to settle for a package that doesn't meet the needs of the moment. As for Capitol Democrats, they say they’re ready to go it alone – without Republicans.

3 More Americans Get Vaccine Than Have Tested Positive

More Americans have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine than have tested positive for the virus. Bloomberg's vaccine tracker reports 26-and-a-half million Americans have gotten at least one shot, compared to around 26-point-three million people who have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began. The U.S. is also vaccinating more people than any country in the world, with more than one-point-three million a day. So far, more than 101-million vaccines have been delivered in 64-countries around the world. Of those, the United States has delivered 32.8-million doses in all.

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