1 AstraZeneca Vaccine Peer-Reviewed Study Published
Drugmaker AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine is literally getting a shot in the arm. The product, which was developed with Oxford University, is the first to get a peer-reviewed study published. The study published in “The Lancet” medical journal found that it is effective in more than 70% of cases. Why is this exciting for the company? There have been questions about the vaccine. When the company first announced results of its third clinical study, it reported up to 90% efficacy, but in some cases, people were given a half dose as the first shot. Turns out, those half doses were given by mistake to a limited number of participants and mostly given to young people. On a related note, the President kicked off a White House coronavirus vaccine summit yesterday. He also predicted that the complex process of distributing a vaccine to tens of millions of Americans will happen very quickly. Trump again referred to the coronavirus as the "China virus" and defended his administration's response to the outbreak.
2 Fort Hood Head Promises Change After Sex Harassment, Abuse Report
Multiple commanders at a Central Texas Army post are either being fired or suspended for the disappearance and death of a soldier. Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy says the results of the investigation finds that Fort Hood failed Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen by not creating the right culture. As you might recall, Guillen disappeared in April with her body discovered months later. These suspensions and firings are following an independent investigation into sexual harassment and assault allegations made by Guillen's family at the post. Army General James McConville promised to fix the problems at Fort Hood and to make changes across the military branch. Most of the 14 suspensions and firings involve the unit Guillen was assigned to at Fort Hood. The Army says the commanding general of the post will not be punished citing a 13-month deployment to Iraq.
3 Report: White House Pushing For $600 Stimulus Payments
The White House is reportedly pushing to include 600-dollar stimulus checks in the next coronavirus relief package. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell didn't include a second round of payments in the proposal he released last week. The “Washington Post” reports other top Republican leaders in Congress are trying to make it happen. President Trump has reportedly told some he's willing to send out as much as two-thousand dollars. The first round of checks was approved as part of the March CARES Act. To that end, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is offering House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a coronavirus relief package with Trump's approval. Mnuchin says he sent over a deal worth 916-billion-dollars. It's slightly more than the bipartisan package that was given the thumbs up by Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer. Mnuchin said this proposal includes money for state and local governments, along with liability protections for businesses and schools.