1 Biden: I'll Ask For Masks For 100 Days
Hate masks? Oh well...you might as well get more used to them. President-elect Joe Biden is planning to ask everyone to mask up for 100 days after he's sworn in. He thinks that will help lead to "a significant reduction" in coronavirus cases. Biden lays out his plans to tackle the pandemic in a CNN interview. And remember yesterday when we told you that former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama want to get vaccinated in public? You can add the President-Elect to that list. Biden says once Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's safe, he’s in. Speaking of Fauci, Biden has confirmed Fauci will continue his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and be appointed as Biden’s chief medical adviser.
2 IBM Says They've Uncovered Email Scheme Targeting Vaccine Supply Chains
I-B-M cyber security analysts say they've uncovered an email phishing scheme that was targeting the global coronavirus vaccine supply chain. Apparently, the emails impersonated a Chinese business executive and date back to September. Investigators say the purpose is clear. “We assess that the purpose of this campaign may have been to harvest credentials to gain future unauthorized access,” IBM researchers offer in a report. “From there, the adversary could gain insight into internal communications, as well as the process, methods and plans to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine.” Someone all over this? Dr. Anthony Fauci, who’s already been asked by President Elect Joe Biden to stay on after President Trump leaves office. Fauci is giving Americans hope that life as we know it could return next year. Fauci says normal life could make its return in the late summer or early fall if folks get vaccinated in the spring.
3 Trump Thinks Deal On Stimulus Is "Very Close"
President Trump thinks a deal on a new coronavirus stimulus package is "very close." Speaking at the White House, Trump also told reporters that he will support it. While no one knows for certain about a pending deal, there’s been increasing noise from both sides of the aisle that leaders are at least hopeful. After months of stalled talks, lawmakers are under growing pressure to pass another stimulus bill before adjourning for the year. Negotiations over a new stimulus have been stalled for months in a dispute between top Republicans and Democrats over levels of spending in a new stimulus package. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell thinks Congress should move quickly to pass a new coronavirus stimulus package that covers areas where Republicans and Democrats have agreed. On top of that, McConnell says, "Compromise is within reach."