1 Delta Continues To Be Heavy Rainfall Threat Across Mid-Atlantic
Flash flood watches and warnings are in effect near the southern Appalachians as the remnants of Hurricane Delta move to the east-northeast. The National Weather Service says Delta is a post-tropical cyclone with top winds near 25 miles per hour. Thing is? Just because it’s not a hurricane doesn’t mean the damage it over. Forecasters expect the system to dump anywhere from three to six inches of rain on the western Carolinas and parts of Virginia as it continues to weaken. Meanwhile, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards is reporting the state's first death from Delta. Edwards said a man died as a result of a fire that happened when a generator was refueled. Edwards urged folks to exercise safety with generators. While nearly 750-thousand were without power at the peak, the number has dropped to about 200-thousand at press time.
2 Trump Says He’s COVID-Free, Loads Up Campaign Schedule
President Trump's doctor says he is no longer contagious. The White House released the latest update from Doctor Sean Conley Saturday. He said the President met the C-D-C's criteria to end isolation – and that testing shows there is no longer evidence of actively replicating virus. With that in mind, Trump's re-election campaign is ramping back up this week after his recovery from the coronavirus. The President has booked rallies today through Thursday. He'll hit key swing states Florida and Pennsylvania today and tomorrow, followed by events in Iowa and North Carolina Wednesday and Thursday.Mr. Trump stepped back into public with his first event this weekend – and to ask him, all is well. So well, in fact, that he’s tweeting about being immune...and Twitter isn't amused. The company slapped the tweet with a warning saying he violated rules when it comes to "spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19." In his tweet, Trump said White House doctors gave him a "total and complete sign off" on his health following a battle with the virus. Trump added, "That means I can't get it ... and can't give it."
3 Amy Coney Barrett: Public Shouldn't Expect Courts To 'Solve Every Problem'
Let the games begin. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett will take her seat before a very adversarial audience today as she begins what promises to be a fight for the Supreme Court seat vacated by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What can we expect? In a preview of her opening statement, Barrett says courts aren't meant to solve each issue that exists in society and that the public shouldn't look to the courts to help "right every wrong in our public life." Judge Barrett said that's how she's approached her duties on the bench. She says "policy decisions and value judgments of government" are up to the other branches. Barrett's confirmation hearing that'll last most of the week begins this morning.