3 Things To Know Today

1 Trump & Biden Face Off In Free For All

The funny thing about debates, they’re most often supposed to be for helping “undecideds” make up their minds. Did they? That remains to be seen, but what we know for sure after last night? President Trump and his Democrat adversary Joe Biden don’t care for each other – or what it means to be moderated. Both men spoke over each other, at each other – and the debate moderator Chris Wallace – in what social media has decreed was an absolute free-for-all. Before the 90-minute event was over, both men accused each other of being liars, clashed over the response to the coronavirus, the economy, race relations and climate change. Wallace reprimanded the President for interrupting several times, but Biden was tapped, too. At one point in the debate, Biden told Trump to "Shut up, man" – something that the Biden camp is already selling on T-shirts. Trump also accused Biden of being fueled by "radical left Democrats." The debate ended with Trump railing against massive mail-in voting. Biden said there is absolutely no evidence that mail balloting promotes voter fraud.

2 Hundreds Gathering Outside Presidential Debate Venue in Cleveland to Protest

While there were plenty of fireworks on the debate stage, the hundreds of people gathered outside near the venue were largely peaceful. Officials say there were some tense moments, but overall, there were no major issues. Demonstrators could be heard chanting "no justice, no peace," a common phrase used at Black Lives Matter protests across the nation. Many protesters held signs that were anti-Trump and anti-police. The National Guard was brought in ahead of the debate in preparation for mass protests – with more than three-hundred National Guardsmen ordered into the city by Governor Mike DeWine to "ensure a safe and secure environment" during the debate. Whatever the preparations, it appeared to have worked.

3 Kentucky Attorney General To Release Grand Jury Findings In Breonna Taylor Case

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron will release the transcripts of the grand jury presentation for the Breonna Taylor case after initially fighting a judge’s order. This could happen within hours. The transcript has become an issue after one of the grand jurors filed a motion in Jefferson County to release all records because Cameron had misrepresented the deliberations. Attorney Kevin Glogower said the anonymous grand juror contacted him just two days after Cameron’s announcement about charges in the Taylor case. Glogower said Cameron put a lot of responsibility for what happened with the case on the grand jury, but now it appears Cameron is backing off. Glogower added that the pursuit his legal team and the juror are involved in “is about many things, including accountability.”

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