1 DNC, Day Two: Biden Is Official Dem Presidential Nominee
It’s officially official...former VP Joe Biden is the Democratic presidential nominee. That happened during the traditional roll call of the states at the Democratic National Convention. Interestingly, a woman is grabbing a lot of headlines – Biden's wife Dr. Jill Biden, who headlined the virtual convention's second night. During her remarks, Dr. Biden said her husband “can help make the U.S. whole again” and lamented the impacts of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and called the U.S. “a divided nation.” She said her husband's "strength of will is unstoppable" and argued that the U.S. needs to restore honest leadership to the White House. Those joining the chorus? Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell, who said Joe Biden “will restore America's leadership and moral authority.” The retired general told the convention that Biden will be a president "we will all be proud to salute." Former Secretary of State John Kerry said President Trump has "bankrupted" everything he inherited from the Obama-Biden Administration. Kerry argued that Trump "breaks up with our allies and writes love letters to dictators." Former President Bill Clinton noted Trump's response to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and said the Oval Office should be a "command center," not a "storm center." Clinton’s appearance was not without an interesting footnote, however. While Mr. Clinton has continually tried to minimize his connection with prolific pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, new pictures have emerged of Clinton getting a neck massage from one of Epstein’s accusers – then, 22-year old Chauntae Davies. Clinton had traveled to Africa with Epstein aboard the so-called ‘Lolita Express.’
2 Postmaster General: No Changes Until After Election
In a dramatic about-face, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is promising no big changes will be made at the U.S. Postal Service until after the election. DeJoy says in a statement he wants to avoid the appearance that any changes pushed forward would affect the election. DeJoy says Post Office hours won't be changing and no mail processing facilities will shut down. Overtime will also be given out as needed. While you might think Democrats are cheering...not exactly. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says DeJoy took "three steps forward and took one baby step back." Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen says the U.S. Postal Service “got caught” with the changes they were trying to make before the election.
3 Fauci Says He Doesn't Trust Current Claims To COVID Vaccine
Top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says he doesn't trust the effectiveness of any coronavirus vaccines being released right now – as in, the ones we’ve heard about from China and Russia. Fauci says those countries may be claiming to have a vaccine and may even be willing to administer it to people...but reminds people that the safety and efficacy hasn’t been proven. But once a COVID-19 vaccine is available here? Fauci says it's unlikely the U.S. will require everyone to get one. He says it may be mandated for health professionals – such as it is with the flu shot, which doctors and nurses have to get before being allowed to see patients. Fauci made his comments during an interview with the health information website Healthline.