3 Things To Know Today

1 Trump Speech At Mt. Rushmore Denounces All Protesters

President Trump is once again attacking what he calls “the radical left.” In his Fourth of July message over the weekend, the President listed all the foes that the nation has overcome in the past and said the nation is now in the process of defeating Marxists, anarchists “and others who don't have a clue.” Trump's remarks came during the Salute to America event outside of the White House. The President said he “will not allow protesters to pull down monuments” and brought up the name of one of the people being targeted by protesters, Christopher Columbus. Just steps from where Trump spoke, protesters marched down blocked-off streets around the White House, Black Lives Matter Plaza and the Lincoln Memorial. They were confronted by counter-protesters chanting, “USA! USA!” but there were no reports of violence. Those who attempted to burn flags, were greeted by counter-protestors.

2 Armed Demonstrators March Peacefully Through Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial Park

Anti-Confederate demonstrators made their views known near Atlanta. The massive group of armed men and women, who were people of color, were carrying weapons gathered at the Stone Mountain Memorial Park on Independence Day. They identified themselves as the NFAC militia. As for why they were there, it had been reported that a group of white supremacists would be attending as demonstrators have been calling for the removal of a huge rock carving there of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America and CSA Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Leaders of the militia frequently halted the protest to challenge local white supremacists and far-right Second Amendment advocates to "stop hiding."There were zero incidents of violence reported.

3 Scientists Confirm COVID Virus Is Airborne

In a move that shouldn’t surprise anyone considering the fact that COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, dozens of scientists say the coronavirus is airborne. More than 200 scientists from around the world have signed onto an open letter to the World Health Organization . They’re arguing the disease can be transmitted through small particles that travel through the air. What’s the difference? The W-H-O has maintained that the virus is primarily spread through larger droplets expelled when an infected person sneezes or coughs. But as these doctors see it, if the virus is airborne, it could linger in the air longer and infect those who breathe it in. This news comes on the heels something experts do agree on: that wearing masks and social distancing are the best ways to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

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