3 Things To Know Today

1 Trump Denies Knowledge Of Russian Bounties On American Soldiers

U.S. intelligence officials believe Russia paid bounties for Taliban-connected terrorists to target American troops...or do they? Depends whom you ask...and we’ll explain in a second. What we “know?” That the “New York Times” is reporting that Russian President Vladimir Putin offered such rewards last year as peace talks were taking place to end the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Here’s where it gets itchy. Intelligence sources say President Trump was briefed about the situation back in March, but hasn't taken action yet. First, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany didn’t dispute the report itself, but said neither Trump nor Vice President Mike Pence were told. Then he backed that up on Twitter calling the report “fake news.” But then? Trump tweeted overnight that officials didn't brief him on the alleged intelligence because "they did not find this info credible." Officials confirm that 22 Americans were killed in Afghanistan in 2019

2 Despite Spikes, Pence Says U.S. In "Much Better Place" With COVID

Despite coronavirus spikes in a number of states, VP Mike Pence insists that the U.S. is in a "much better place." During a coronavirus task force briefing – it’s first in two months – Pence called on Americans to embrace guidelines on social distancing. He also echoed President Trump's claim that more testing is generating more cases. Pence said younger Americans who are testing positive are more resistant to the serious effects of the coronavirus. Along the way, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he's very concerned about the resurgence of the virus in some states. Pence expressed sympathy for families who have lost loved ones in the ongoing outbreak. He encouraged Americans to "continue to pray," but did not suggest the use of face masks. For his part, President Trump has refused to wear a face mask. He argued that America is "moving forward" and "going back to work."

3 Four Cops Suspended For Racist Comments on Social Media

City officials in San Jose, California say four police officers in San Jose are being suspended and investigated after making racist remarks on social media. The investigation is growing out of an article on Medium.com by an anonymous author, who posted under a pseudonym, which includes purported screen shots of posts from a private Facebook group. In it, pictures include posts by a retired officer calling the Black Lives Matter protesters "racist idiots" and "enemies." A current officer allegedly wrote that "Black lives don't really matter" and suggested assaulting a Muslim woman if she was in custody. Another allegedly suggested, “I say re-purpose the hijabs into nooses.” That same officer reportedly posted an offensive image of a “Sharia Barbie,” who has a black eye, and comes with a hijab, bruises, a Quran, and stoning accessories. An officer, who is believed to have recently retired, once posted about how to properly set off a roadside bomb in fulfilling one’s desire “for jihad.” As the investigation continues, San Jose Police Department Chief Eddie Garcia is reassuring the community that he’s taking the report seriously. “While I have no control over what former employees post online,” he says in a statement. “Any current employee involved with bigoted activity online will promptly be investigated and held accountable to the fullest extend in my power. We have no place for this.” The mayor is calling for the officers to be fired.

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