1 SCOTUS Gives DACA The Thumbs Up...For Now
For the second time in a week, the Supreme Court has given President Trump the answer he didn’t want: No. This time? It’s about DACA – what’s also known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. And SCOUTS has ruled that the President can’t just scrap the thing as he’s been trying to. In a five-four decision – with Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the liberal wing – writing that the White House's plan violated federal law because it was "arbitrary and capricious." In other words, it's not that the White House doesn’t have the power to rescind DACA, it's just that they botched the procedure. Not surprisingly, the President has taken to Twitter to express his displeasure. “These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives,” he offered. “We need more Justices or we will lose our 2nd. Amendment & everything else.” In a statement, the White House plans to press on.
2 Trump: I Made Juneteenth Famous
President Trump is claiming he deserves credit for making Juneteenth "very famous." In an interview with the “Wall Street Journal,” Trump maintains that “nobody heard” of the day until he brought it up. Today’s holiday observes the end of slavery in the U.S. dating back to 1865. As we told you before, the President planned to hold his first public rally since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in Tulsa, Oklahoma today... but rescheduled it for the next day following a backlash. The city was the site of a race riot that killed dozens of black Americans nearly 100 years ago. "I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous," Trump said in reference to the rally date. "It's actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it." It’s reported that Trump then asked an aide during the interview if she’d heard of the holiday and she reportedly “pointed out that the White House had issued a statement last year commemorating the day."
3 COVID-19 Hotspots Record New Case Records
A handful of states are reporting record high numbers of coronavirus cases. They include Arizona, Florida, California, South Carolina and Texas, who all had record single-day increases in cases. Keep in mind, however, that jumps in cases can reflect increased testing. What’s more of a meter on where we are? The number of hospitalizations, which have only surged in Texas – about 11% since Memorial Day.