1 America On Fire As Troops Arrive Following Unruly Demonstrations
In just about every major metro in the country, there were protests to mark the murder of George Floyd, which took place one week ago now. And while the vast majority of the demonstrations were peaceful, there were a number of “hot zones” that succeeded in the National Guard being called out. At press time, military boots were on the ground in 15 states and Washington DC. At least 25 cities are under curfew. What everyone can agree on? That hundreds of thousands of protestors have been taking to the streets this weekend – what’s in question? Who the violent agitators are. Some officials say that the worst offenders were from outside the city or state where the worst riots and looting have occurred. And while a violent minority is doing their best to create full-blown chaos, the fact is that tens of thousands of America are peacefully pleading for peace and unity. But the protests aren’t just blanketing America. Across the pond in Europe, masses of marchers flooded the streets including London and Berlin. Here at home, however? As many peaceful protests that exist, there have also been documented reports of police lashing out at non-violent protestors.
2 Trump: Antifa To Be Declared A Terrorist Organization
Antifa will be classified as a terrorist organization. President Trump made the announcement on Twitter about the militant left-wing group blamed for violent protests following the death of George Floyd. The news comes just hours after National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien told CNN's “State of the Union” peaceful protests against the death of George Floyd can't be drowned out by Antifa. O'Brien blames Antifa for the violent protests happening around the nation, calling them "militant radicals." Floyd is the unarmed black man who died in Minneapolis last week after he was pinned to the ground by a white police officer. That man, now-former police officer Derek Chauvin, is now being held on murder and manslaughter charges.
3 WHO Says Wearing Masks Isn't Necessary
So...when it comes to masks, should we or SHOULDN’T we? Depends whom you ask. While the CDC has been pretty adamant about masks being worn in conjunction with social distancing, the World Health Organization (W-H-O) is now saying we shouldn’t. That is, unless you’re caring for someone who’s been ill with COVID-19...or you’re sick. “If you do not have any [respiratory] symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask,” Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO, says in a video on the world health body’s website. “Masks should only be used by health care workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough.” There’s no word on the CDC’s response to the new guidance.