Remember how GAL GODOT got those celebrities to virtually perform "Imagine" by John Lennon, and it got ROASTED online? Well, some comedians got together to do a parody of that, and they picked a GREAT song:"Eat It" by "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC, which itself is a parody of "Beat It" by MICHAEL JACKSON. It was organized by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross of "Mr. Show", and it also included:Bryan Cranston, Patton Oswalt, Tony Hale, Al Franken, Fred Armisen, Heidi Gardner from "SNL", Rachel Bloom from "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" . . . Amber Tamblyn, Sarah Silverman, who also appeared in that "Imagine" video, and, of course, Weird Al, who was able to make a cameo.