SAFN Video Of The Day

Matthew McConaughey is calling for unity during the coronavirus pandemic which he feels has been politicized. The Academy Award-winning actor appeared on Tuesday's "Special Report with Bret Baier" to discuss his new PSA, aimed at uniting Americans during the pandemic, and remind people that COVID-19 "is not about politics." "I could feel that this united purpose we all have as Americans to beat this enemy and this virus, that purpose got hijacked a bit by partisan politics," McConaughey said. "The narrative became if you want to go to work, you're on the far right. If you don't go to work, you want to stay home, you're on the far left. And now even the mask wearing is getting politicized, where if you want to wear a mask, you wear a mask, you're a liberal and if you don't, you're conservative and that's just not true."

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