1 Fighting COVID-19 May Be All About The Antibodies
Results from two studies in South Korea are bolstering the notion that anti-bodies might be the key in treating coronavirus infections. In one study, patients were found to develop “defensive antibodies” after recovery, which would prevent re-infection. In the other, there was no ‘virus replication’ in those who had become sickened for a second time. In other words, just because someone is re-diagnosed with COVID-19 after recovering, they’re unlikely to infect others. Here at home, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is releasing results from the state's first antibody test, which shows that nearly 14-percent of residents may have already had coronavirus – as in, more than 2.7-million have the antibodies. Officials are referring to this as phase-one, in terms of trying to determine the state's infection rate.
2 House Approves Additional Aid For Small Businesses
Another bill helping small businesses is headed to President Trump's desk today after final passage by the House – and he says he’ll sign it. The measure replenishes a popular loan program that quickly ran dry after passage of the roughly two-trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill last month. The new bill covers nearly half-a-trillion dollars and includes aid for hospitals and money for additional coronavirus testing. Also cleared? A vote to establish a special select committee to investigate whether stimulus dollars are being spent properly. While the infusion can’t come fast enough, a number of businesses in Georgia will be doing it the old-fashioned way today...and just reopening. The President says he’s not pleased with the Governor of Georgia about the move, but that he’s going along with it.
3 Trump Muses About “Injecting” Lungs With Disinfectant
The big headline out of yesterday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing? That President Trump “wants to inject coronavirus patients with disinfectant.” And while that’s not exactly true – some of his comments did leave people scratching their heads. But more on that in a minute.First up, DHS Science and Technology leader William Bryan revealed some new information about the virus. Among other things, Bryan says the coronavirus decays faster in warmer situations, that direct solar light has a powerful effect on killing it, as do with increased temperatures and humidity. Conversely, the virus survives best in cooler temperatures and dry conditions. But it was his remarks about bleach and isopropyl alcohol killing the virus that Trump was most intrigued by. "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in one minute,” he offered. “Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."