SAFN Video Of The Day

I'm not REALLY sure it's in the spirit of Lent to drink MORE alcohol than usual, or turn your personal sacrifice into a competition . . . but hey, Lent how you wanna Lent. There's a 44-year-old guy named Del Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio.And last year, he gave up food for Lent . . . and only drank BEER.He wound up losing 44 pounds in 46 days and his story went viral. Well, he's doing it AGAIN for Lent this year . . . and he's trying to break a record. He says the world record for the most consecutive days of only drinking beer and not consuming anything else is 50 days . . . so he's going to extend his beer fast to try to break that record. He also says he's put back on about half the weight he lost during last year's fast . . . and he thinks this year's will be easier on him mentally because, quote, "Last year, there was a big fear of dying."

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