3 Things To Know Today

1 Dems Draw Knives In Fiery Nevada Debate

Nevada's caucuses are set for Saturday and based on last night’s debate in Las Vegas, the Democratic presidential hopefuls were taking no prisoners. In what would most politely be described as a “feisty debate,” it was clear that one candidate walked in with a target on his back: former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg was on the defense for just about everything, including police practices in New York, his company's treatment of women and unreleased tax returns. Bloomberg was also accused of trying to buy the election. He said he's proud of the money he has earned and plans to give a lot of it back to change the U.S. The candidate many have tagged as the “winner?” Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who talked about Bloomberg and President Trump and said U.S. can't substitute "one arrogant billionaire for another." But he wasn’t alone - she also squarely went after everyone on the debate stage. As for Bloomberg, he scored a few points – when he was allowed to get a word in. Among other things, he argued that current Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders cannot defeat Trump – and assailed Sanders socialist positions, pointing to Sanders’ own wealth. Bloomberg also insisted that he is best positioned to defeat Trump and said the key is a massive Democratic turnout. Not according to former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who called Sanders and Bloomberg “the two most polarizing figures on the stage.” The Democrats squabbled again over healthcare and the validity of Medicare-for-All proposals. Former Veep Joe Biden said it would be far too expensive and argued that Obamacare should be repaired and improved. The Democrats agreed that climate change is the leading existential threat to the world. Dems also agreed that the U.S. tax code should be reformed to benefit working families.

2 Police Say 11 Killed Following Shootings At Two Bars In Hanau, Germany

Police in Germany say 11 people are dead following shootings at two hookah bars near Frankfurt. The shootings happened in Hanau, which is about ten miles east of Frankfurt. While no motive is known, some of those killed were of Turkish origin. As for the shooter, a manhunt reportedly saw police storm the home of the alleged suspect, where they found two bodies – one presumed to be the attacker. “One of the dead people is most likely the culprit,” officials said in a statement. “There are currently no indications of other perpetrators. Investigations into the identity of the victims and the suspected perpetrator are ongoing.” With respect to the victims, no one has been identified. While police had initially said that five people had been “seriously injured,” they advised later that the total was eight – and that they were “fatally wounded.” The investigation continues.

3 Assange Attorney Claims Trump Offered Pardon...For A Price

An attorney for Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange is claiming President Trump offered a pardon if he would say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic party emails. This, as Assange's hearing to block extradition to the U.S. begins next week. His barrister said former California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher saw Assange in August of 2017 and made the offer. As you might recall, U.S. intelligence officials said Russia was behind the hack of the DNC server and release of emails that embarrassed the Hillary Clinton campaign in the weeks before the election. Assange is wanted in the U.S. on charges of conspiring to commit computer intrusion. What’s the White House say? Spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham calls the claim “a complete fabrication and a total lie.” She also said Trump “barely knows Dana Rohrabacher.” As for Rohrbacher, he insists he never spoke to Trump about Assange before to his “fact finding mission” to London, which he notes was “personally-funded.”

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