The McDonald's Happy Meal turns 40 this year and they're celebrating by . . . figuring out a way to make adults rush out and buy them. In honor of the anniversary, McDonald's is bringing back RETRO TOYS in their Happy Meals . . . but only from next Thursday through next Sunday. If you buy a Happy Meal, you'll get one of 17 classic McDonald's Happy Meal toys . . . some of which sell for big bucks on eBay today. The toys include the cowboy, fireman, and mailman McNuggets . . . the hamburger that turns into a robot . . . Grimace . . . the Hamburglar . . . a Power Ranger . . . "Space Jam" Bugs Bunny . . . Patti the Platypus BEANIE BABY . . .A "101 Dalmatians" toy . . . a Tamagotchi . . . My Little Pony . . . Furby . . . Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey Mouse . . . and Hello Kitty.