In case you didn't see this:A thousand musicians from all over the world got together in Frankfurt, Germany last month and performed RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's "Killing In The Name". They call themselves the "Rockin' 1,000", and they've been doing this kind of thing since 2015, when they performed the FOO FIGHTERS' "Learn to Fly". 1000 Musicians Perform a Very Timely Cover of the Rage Against the Machine Anthem ‘Killing in the Name. Rockin’1000 (previously), a group of 1,000 incredibly talented musicians who came together from all over Italy to simultaneously play the Foo Fighters song “Learn To Fly” in order to persuade the band to play a concert in Romagna, Italy, performed a brilliant cover of the mournfully timeless Rage Against the Machine anthem “Killing in the Name” (previously) at a live show in Frankfurt, Germany.