1 Navy SEAL Found Not Guilty Of War Crimes
The Navy SEAL accused of war crimes has been found not guilty of murder and attempted murder. Edward Gallagher was accused of killing a captured ISIS fighter and firing on civilians. He was accused by members of his own platoon. The trial was marked by prosecutors accusing Gallagher of stabbing a teenage fighter to death in Iraq…and a prosecution witness saying Gallagher may have stabbed the teen – but that he (the witness) actually killed the fighter by asphyxiation. Gallagher has denied all the charges and claimed he was being targeted by disgruntled subordinates. And in the end, all Gallagher was found guilty of was a charge of posing for a picture with the corpse of the dead teen. For that, he faces up to four months in prison – and he has already served roughly nine months in confinement. All that matters to his wife, Andrea? That her husband is cleared. “I hope this will be a lesson learned to everybody that we need to uphold innocent until proven guilty, due process,” she told reporters. “We need to afford the benefit of the doubt to our war heroes who we send over there to fight these evils.”
2 DHS Inspector General Cites "Dangerous Overcrowding" In Migrant Centers
First, it was a delegation of lawmakers. Now it's government investigators sounding the alarm over poor conditions in migrant detention centers along the border with Mexico. The DHS inspector general says immediate action is needed, citing "dangerous overcrowding" in Rio Grande Valley facilities. Graphic photos taken at one facility show nearly 90 men being held in a cell with a maximum capacity of 41. One man held up a handwritten sign that said "HELP.40 DAY HERE." The report documents IG visits to five border Patrol stations in southern Texas last month. Meanwhile, a federal judge is blocking Attorney General Bill Barr's decision that asylum seekers can be detained indefinitely. U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman has ruled that it's unconstitutional to deny asylum seekers a bond hearing while they wait for their claims to be heard. Barr's order said that such illegal aliens were ineligible for bond. Several immigration groups challenged Barr's decision on behalf of asylum seekers.
3 Nike Pulls Betsy Ross Flag Shoe After Kaepernick Complains
Nike is pulling their Air Max 1 USA shoes – which feature an early American flag design after a complaint from former NFL player – and spokesman – Colin Kaepernick. The former 49ers quarterback reportedly told Nike he and others consider the Betsy Ross flag offensive because it was flown at a time when slavery was common in a number of states. The flag with 13 stars in a circle on a blue field, and 13 red and white stripes, was flown during the Revolutionary War and early days of the U.S. Nike had planned to release the shoes in celebration of the Fourth of July. And while some have cheered the pull, others are not – including Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. He’s killing state tax incentives for Nike to build a factory in his state amid the controversy. Taking to Twitter, Ducey says he's withdrawing financial incentives because Nike is pulling the shoes. Ducey said he's “disappointed Nike decided Betsy Ross is unworthy,” adding the company “bowed to the current onslaught of political correctness and historical revisionism.”