3 Things To Know Today

1 As The US Issues Sanctions, Iran Slams The Diplomatic Door

The Trump administration is imposing tough new sanctions on Iran – and the country is none too pleased, but we’ll get to that in a second. Talking with reporters at the White House, President Trump cheered his executive order saying it would place "hard hitting" sanctions on Iran. He stressed that Iran “can never have a nuclear weapon” and said pressure on Tehran will continue to be increased. This would be the latest in a series of responses to Iran’s shooting down an unmanned U.S. military drone over the Strait of Hormuz last week. Trump says the new sanctions were in the works before the drone strike, but added that the new sanctions will deny Iran's Supreme Leader access to key financial resources and support. And while he criticized Iran's "aggressive" and "provocative" actions, Trump also says he’d love to sit down and negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. That doesn’t look likely to happen. A spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry is blaming the Trump administration for trying to destroy the established methods of maintaining peace and security across the globe.

2 Feds Move 300 Migrant Children Over Reports Of Inadequate Food, Sanitation

The U.S. government is responding to reports of inhumane treatment of illegal children in detention centers…by moving more than 300 of them from detainment facilities because of inadequate food, water and sanitation. According to various reports, the children were moved from a facility in Clint, Texas to a tent detention camp in El Paso. Among the allegations: Attorneys who visited the Clint Border Patrol station say older children were trying to take care of infants and toddlers. They described a toddler with matted hair who had gone without a shower for days They also reported hungry, inconsolable children struggling to soothe one another and said that some had been locked for three weeks inside the facility. Word is, 15 children were sick with the flu and another 10 were in medical quarantine. While Border Patrol officials haven’t responded to the various charges, they have issued a statement saying, “Our short-term holding facilities were not designed to hold vulnerable populations and we urgently need additional humanitarian funding to manage this crisis.” Meanwhile, the children will remain under the custody of border patrol until they can be placed with the Department of Health and Human Services.

3 Trump Signs Executive Order On Healthcare Pricing Transparency

President Trump is making moves aimed at making healthcare pricing more transparent. During a White House event, Trump said patients have been at a disadvantage for too long. Trump’s new executive order requires healthcare providers and insurers to disclose how much a service will cost before it happens. Trump called it a historic action. He also suggested that medical pricing is often “outrageous.” Trump said Americans have a right to know the price of services before they receive care. He also argues that price transparency will lead to more competition and lower healthcare costs. Proponents agree. "Hospitals will be required to publish prices that reflect what people pay for services," President Trump offered yesterday. "You will get great pricing. Prices will come down by numbers that you wouldn't believe. The cost of healthcare will go way, way down.”

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