1 Trump Vows To Deport "Millions"…Starting Next Week
If you’re here in the United States illegally, be on notice – you’re about to be deported. That’s the word according to President Trump, who took to Twitter last night to proclaim that next week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will "begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens.” Trump said those who illegally came into the country "will be removed as fast as they come in." Trump also praised Mexico and Guatemala for taking action to stop immigrants from coming to U.S. And while he praised our neighbors to the south, there are some other folks in Trump’s crosshairs: Democrats. “The only ones who won’t do anything are the Democrats in Congress,” Trump noted. “They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly!”
2 More Troops Heading To Iran
So much for that “drawdown” of troops President Trump’s touted for months. Pentagon officials have confirmed that the U.S. is sending one-thousand more troops to the Middle East to counter threats posed by Iran. This is in addition to the 15-hundred troops Mr. Trump announced last month. What gives? Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan says the soldiers will be deployed for "defensive purposes" against possible threats from Iran. Tensions have been rising between the U.S. and Iran in recent weeks, but Shanahan insists that war isn’t the goal. "United States does not seek conflict with Iran," he says in a statement, noting the action is being taken to "ensure the safety and welfare of our military personnel working throughout the region to protect our national interests.”
3 Shooting At Raptors' Celebration Parade
Police in Toronto are investigating a shooting that happened near a victory rally for the NBA champions Toronto Raptors. Police say they've identified four victims related to the shooting and none of them have life-threatening injuries – though they are serious. They also confirm that three people have been arrested and police recovered two guns. The shooting brought the rally and parade to a brief halt. Investigators are asking the public for any pictures or videos from the area at the time of the shooting. The event was paused briefly as organizers urged calm. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remained seated along with all the Raptors players as police assessed the situation. Then it continued. “More than a million of us flooded the streets …to celebrate our Raptors,” city councilman Joe Cressy tweeted. “People of all every age, every race, every religion — our City. As awful as the shooting was and terrifying for many in the crowd afterwards, don’t let it take away from our moment.”