3 Things To Know Today

1 Motive For Virginia Beach Mass Shooting Remains Unclear

A motive for Friday’s deadly mass shooting in Virginia Beach, Virginia remains unclear. Police Chief Jim Cervera says the suspect, DeWayne Craddock, was not terminated from his job as a city engineer and was not in the process of being terminated. Officials confirm that 12 people were killed Friday at a municipal office, while four remain hospitalized That follows what City Manager Dave Hansen has said – that it's believed Craddock was in good standing as an employee with the city. Hansen says Craddock sent an email giving a two weeks notice of resignation the morning of the shooting. What else no one’s sure of? If any of the victims were targeted. Meanwhile…memorials can be seen throughout Virginia Beach in honor of the victims – and those who lost loved ones in the incident. A memorial of flowers and American flags are growing at the site of the shooting, while white crosses with hearts are being placed throughout the area in honor of the victims. A public vigil is scheduled for tomorrow night at a Virginia Beach church. Cervera says it took officers two minutes to arrive on scene from the time the first shots were fired and about 36 minutes to apprehend Craddock, who later died. One officer was injured during a shootout and is expected to be okay.

2 Missing Houston Child’s Remains Believed To Be Found

The month-long search for little Maleah Davis appears to be over as remains recovered in Arkansas are believed to be hers. The child went missing in Houston after her stepfather, Derion Vence, claimed she was kidnapped after he was beaten. Community activist Quannell X told reporters that Vence owned up to the death saying it was an accident – and that he had disposed of Maleah’s body in Arkansas. Quanell did not reveal how he got Vence to talk. Quanell had been representing the girl's mother, but said earlier this week she wasn't being honest. Once Vence gave the location he allegedly dumped the body, Texas Equusearch and Houston police headed to Arkansas – and found remains that had been scattered by a mower. Houston's police chief said he anticipates murder charges will be filed in the case, but that decision will have to wait until the right time in the investigation.

3 Navy Confirms White House Request To Hide USS John McCain

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is ordering an investigation into reports that the White House took extraordinary steps to keep the USS John McCain hidden during President Trump's recent visit to Japan. The results are in – and the Navy confirms that indeed, the White House did make such a request. They also maintain it wasn’t granted. According to a statement from Rear Adm. Charlie Brown, Chief of Navy Information, “A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain, however, all ships remained in their normal configuration during the President’s visit.” Either way, the White House is calling it all much ado about nothing. Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is defending the decision to make the request. He tells NBC's “Meet The Press” that it “probably came from somebody in the advance team” that told the Navy to hide the ship based on President Trump's thoughts over the late Arizona senator. Mulvaney also maintains “it wasn't unreasonable.” Trump has said he did not know about the request, but that whomever did “was probably well-meaning.”

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